» Nordisk MMA

Results : Jack Hermansson at UFC Sao Paulo

Swede Jack Hermansson (14-2) will do battle against Brazilian Cezar Ferreira (10-5) in a middleweight showdown tonight in Brazil. It is the fifth fight on the prelim card. Play-by-Play Round 1 The bout has not yet started. The prelims start at 24:00 Stockholm/Copenhagen, and the Joker is the 5th fight on the prelims, so likely around 01:10 Stockholm/Copenhagen start. We will keep you posted here!!! It looks like Viaplay Fighting in the Nordics or UFC Fight Pass elsewhere will be showing the fight.
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Results : Christian Colombo at UFC Sao Paulo

Dane Christian Colombo will battle against Brazilian Luis Henrique de Oliveira in a heavyweight showdown tonight in Brazil. It is the third fight on the prelim card. Play-by-Play Round 1 The bout has not yet started. The prelims start at 24:00 Stockholm/Copenhagen, and Colombo is the 3rd fight on the prelims, so likely around 00:40 Stockholm/Copenhagen start. We will keep you posted here!!! It looks like Viaplay Fighting in the Nordics or UFC Fight Pass elsewhere will be showing the fight.
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