» Nordisk MMA

12 Photos Capturing SFN 1

Scandinavian Fight Night 1 was full of excitement, with many of the Swedish fighters dominating their international opponents, one big shocking upset via backfist, and a couple intense Sweden based fighter matchups.  Jörgen Jönsson from Creative Soul was cageside to capture the action, and here are 12 memorable shots from Solnahallen in Stockholm. Jörgen Jönsson
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Tollefsen Captures Contenders Norwich Belt, Targets Cage Warriors Next

Joachim Tollefsen is now the lightweight champion of Contenders Norwich, submitting Terry Doyle at the Norfolk Showground Arena in the UK. “All went according to plan, and I choked him out” says The Frontline Academy fighter about the big win at Contenders Norwich 15. The 24 year now has a two fight winning streak, following up his
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Live Reporting : SFN 1 in Stockholm

The new promotion Scandinavian Fight Nights will pump MMA action back into Stockholm tonight at the Solnahallen when they put on SFN 1. is cageside for high-fives, autographs, and live reporting.  Get your results and pics here.  Let’s do this!   Arturo Chavez vs. Guram Kutateladze Amir Albazi vs. Rafal Czechowski Michel Ersoy vs.
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