» Nordisk MMA

Gunnar Nelson Faces Albert Tumenov at UFC Rotterdam

Gunnar Nelson (14-2-1) will make his return to the Octagon. The UFC has just announced that the Icelandic fighter will face top striker Albert Tumenov (17-2) on Sunday, May 8th at the UFC’s first appearance in Holland. BREAKING! Gunnar Nelson 🇮🇸 vs. Albert Tumenov 🇷🇺 announced for #UFCRotterdam! Tickets: — UFC Europe (@UFCEurope)
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Post Fight Photos : Makwan Amirkhani on Stage Again

Makwan Amirkhani (13-2) found himself at the UFC post-fight press conference after outwrestling Mike Wilkinson (9-2) at UFC Fight Night London. It was Mr. Finland’s third win in the UFC and third time getting the media attention after the fight. contributor Jarno Juutinen was backstage to capture the winner.
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Viking Recap : Amirkhani, Teymur, and Packalen Win Big in London

Four Nordic fighters graced the Octagon as the UFC visited O2 Arena in London, England, last night.  The event kicked off with the two Swedish TUF-veterans Martin Svensson and David Teymur facing one another, then it was Teemu Packalen‘s turn and last but not least Mr. Finland himself, Makwan Amirkhani, was the last out of
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