» Nordisk MMA

Fight Night 15 Kicks Off 2016 Nordic MMA

Fight Night promotion kicks off 2016 with a bang on February 6 at Karhuvuoren Urheilutalo in Kotka, Finland, as Jani Ridasmaa is set to face Kennet Mattsson in the main event. “It´s going to be a huge match for both fighters,” says Fight Night promoter and matchmaker Jukka Paananen. “It´s an interesting match-up as Jani has
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Brazilian’s Macedo and Domingos Battle in Cage 34 Main Event

Two Nordic based Brazilians will clash in the main event of CAGE 34.  Sweden’s Rafael Macedo (7-2-1) will return to Cage after a N/C at Cage 32 versus Joni Salovaara to face Rafael Domingos (6-0) at the Culture House in Helsinki on February 13th. Macedo, known as the Butcher, trains out of Epic Fight Team,
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Jonas Mågård Set for Battle at ICE FC “I don’t see myself as the underdog”

The Dane Jonas Magard (1-2) will face Daryl Golding (2-0) at the ICE FC event in Liverpool on February 20th. It's on baby fight time!! #mma #mmafighter #icefc #shark #love #one #me #kill #motivation @rumblesports @henri.kbh @butcherslab @larosaclothing @jonasshark A photo posted by @jonasshark on Jan 15, 2016 at 11:05am PST Mågård currently stands with a 1 win
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